Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I used to look up at the night sky and just stare at the stars. I never thought the heavens would look down upon me and give me my own star...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Typhoon Ondoy

International Name: KETSANA
The Date: September 26, 2009

I'm still overwhelmed by the extent of the damage that Ondoy has caused. People have died... many were left homeless as they were ravaged by the flood. As of this moment, many are still waiting to be rescued.

this floodwater is waist-deep.
our antique narra sofa can be partially seen floating here.

that's another cabinet floating around.

I'm just thankful that we have a 2nd floor in our house. We still had a dry spot to rest in and space where we moved the ref, and some other appliances that may be damaged by water.
It had been the worst (and hopefully the last) flooding i've ever seen in my life.

My prayers for the less fortunate victims of Ondoy who were left homeless, for those still waiting to be rescued, and for those who died in this calamity.

Please pray for them, too.