Tuesday, February 06, 2007

ala McGyver

Last Saturday, my father ran out of ideas on what to cook for dinner. He thought that the porkchops he grilled for lunch would be enough for us until supper. I would have thought so, too, if not for my bro's bandmates who came to practice their songs for the school's Battle of the Bands. Syempre, we had to feed those kids, 'di ba?

So I shared with Papa's dilemma while rummaging the fridge for whatever foodstuff I could salvage -- eggs, hotdogs, green bell peppers, shallots, unopenned sachets of hot sauce from the othe night's pizza -- and then I thought, "this is a job for the stir-fry queen."

These days, you gotta make the most out of what is available and within reach. I can still hear my highschool economics teacher saying "dapat kayo maging MAPAMARAAN!" Resourcefulness is the key.

So without much resistance from dad (after a lot of convincing done), I donned my imaginary apron and proceeded to whip up another ulam my dad never thought I could possibly cook.

I'm still thinking of a name to call this dish. Any suggestions?

top it on a bowl of steamed rice.

As always, my family had no choice but to eat it. Papa showed his appreciation by heaping it up on top of his steamed rice. I even had to stop my brother from finishing it off because my sister who usually skips supper suddenly felt hungry and gobbled up what was left of the viand.

The ulam was good for six people. There were four of us. I only ate half a serving. You do the math.
See previous kitchen adventure here.

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