Monday, January 07, 2008

Manic Monday

Six o'clock already
I was just in the middle of a dream
I was kissin' Valentino
By a crystal blue Italian stream
But I can't be late
'Cause then I guess I just won't get paid
These are the days
When you wish your bed was already made

It's just another manic Monday
I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my funday
My I don't have to runday
It's just another manic Monday


It was indeed! And to think it's the first Monday of the year.

I woke up with just enough time to dress up and go. I was even singing Manic Monday while getting dressed. But the traffic made it impossible for me to catch up and beat the bundy clock.

So i punched in at 8:02am. Two minutes late. On a Monday. The first working week of the year.

I'll never sing that song on a Monday, ever again.


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