Tuesday, March 18, 2008

San Lazaro Fiesta

As they say, "the show must go on". So despite my stuffy nose and constantly parched throat, i still had to sing the responsorial psalm for yesterday's celebration. We had no choice. I didn't have an alternate for such "emergencies" and we didn't have extra time for an alternate to practice.

Unfortunately, i ran late for our slot. I arrived just in the nick of time but i wasn't able to sing. Apparently, Robin got so worried that he asked Krisha to take over. Oh well! Things happen.

But just when i thought i have failed, Robin told me that i would take over in the afternoon slot. I was not spared. But that was fine with me coz i really love singing.

Some scenes up at the choir loft:

this dude caught some snooze time
to recharge before our next slot in the afternoon.

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