Saturday, December 09, 2006

never make fun of other people's passions

Yesterday at the office, we had our 3rd weekly kris kringle. As usual I had my camera with me to capture all the moments. One of my officemates made a remark about me always bringing my camera and taking pictures whenever there is an office activity. Said I'm like the other camera-wielding officemate that most people don't wanna hang out with because she's got bad attitude. I just made a joking remark as reply to that first officemate. Deep inside, I pity her for making fun of my passion for taking pictures.

I love taking pictures. They may not be great shots, but i treasure the memories that come with it. I take pictures of nature, of happy days, of special occasions, of vacations, of trips, more trips, or of people having fun--anything at all that evoked within me an indescribable feeling. The pictures I take make me feel lucky and grateful to be alive and to witness those things around me. And that gives me a sense of fulfillment, something that nobody can take away from me.

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