Friday, July 27, 2007

Weekend Reflection

I've been blabbing about moving on and stuff in my other blog, so.... what now? What's next? Any progress so far? Well.... if moving on is like re-arranging my stuff in my jungle of a cubicle... or waking up earlier than usual to go to work... or finally having the energy to sort my closet... or taking steps to clean up the vacant room in our house so i could have it for myself already (yey! my own space at last! or is it? hmmm...), then i guess I've quite moved on.

But is "moving on" the right term to use? Perhaps it's "starting over". Maybe because, contrary to what i said that we have to lose something (or in my case, someone) for new and better things, what i really needed was a change in perspective. Perhaps instead of always looking at the other side of the fence where it was believed that the grass is greener, I should've just appreciated the simple (yet meaningful) things I already had.

After struggling to understand the things that transpired the past couple of months (yup, it's been that long but i don't wanna stuff this blog with depressing posts) there was a lesson to learn. Maybe lessons to learn and to keep in mind.

And so here I am at the office at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Everyone else has gone home or somewhere else. The rain is pouring so hard and it might flood outside. But I'm cool. I may not be a big fan of rain, but I think I can bear with it. I say bring it on. Someone's coming to fetch me anyway.

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