Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Fitting in...

St. Lazarus Choir

We were told yesterday after the choir practice that we'll be wearing our gala dress on St. Lazarus' Feast Day, which is about a month from now. All of us were shocked. Naye, horrified was the best word to describe the choir's reaction to the news. And mine was the most violent. Hehehe!


Because it doesn't fit me anymore. Apparently, i started to gain weight last year after our concert in December'06. Although i was still able to wear it during last year's feast day, i had difficulty singing during the eucharistic celebration because the blouse had become uncomfortably tight. And the dress didn't have any allowance for repairs.

But the choirmaster insisted that we wear the dress next month.

Oh, heck! I have about a month to trim down.


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